Meditation is very helpful when it comes to thinking because there are areas in your life where you need more clarity, focus and peace instead of worries.
When I think about meditation, I think about being mindful and taking time. Meditation is related to a specific focus and understanding. So, when you meditate, you want to understand a subject, or a situation and you must focus and take time to think about that. You don’t think too much, but you relate to the situation by trying to understand the situation.
You can focus on the origin of the situation when you meditate. For example, if I am dealing with a financial situation, worrying, or stressing on how I am going to pay all my debts, won’t resolve the issue. The origin of your financial issues may be that you spend too much money on traveling. So, now meditate on how to manage your trips. Make a plan and plan for time. You will now be mindful and take time on the financial subject to be better organized.
Your meditation depends on you. What I mean is that there are many types of meditation. People choose to do yoga, people choose to think by taking time aside alone in a calm place, others choose to write their thoughts and resolutions by writing.
So, you choose what works best for you and you can create your own meditation type.
You should Meditate more, because you will be more open minded and more aware of the situation you are dealing with. You will be able to identify the source and avoid stress if you were thinking more instead.
This is a topic I would like to give more information on in the next pages.